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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies For Absence To receive apologies for absence from the meeting Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Confirmation of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 5th September 2022 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor J Manley, seconded by Councillor C Leather and -
That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.
(Vote: For – 28, Abstentions - 5)
Minutes: The action list was discussed and updated.
Minute 14 – It was agreed to write to the NHS again to chase a response. |
Public Contributions 15 minute period for public contributions. The deadline for registering to speak is by 2pm Thursday 27th October 2022. To register please email
Minutes: There were no public contributions. |
Declarations of interest Members with interests to declare should refer to the Agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is being discussed. Minutes: Members were reminded that declarations of interest should be made as and when the specific agenda item to which they related was under discussion. |
Agreement of Agenda Items Part I and II Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor D Bushby, seconded by Councillor R Lock and –
That the Agenda as circulated be agreed.
(Vote: for – Unanimous)
To consider correspondence or other business especially brought forward by the direction of the Chair Minutes: The following matter was raised by the Chair:
Councillor Hodson was organising a staff Christmas raffle and advised any donations from Members would be welcomed. Any donations can be delivered to Democratic Services by the end of November. |
To answer questions submitted under Procedural Rule A9 Minutes: One question had been submitted by Councillor Brenton under Procedural Rule A9.
In accordance with the Constitution a written answer to Councillor Brenton’s question had been circulated to Members.
Question from Councillor Brenton
(A) What has been the income from the East-the-Water Wharves car park since it was handed over to Red Earth?
(B) Under the 50-50 basis how much has been paid to Red Earth?
(C) Has allowance been taken into account for the section of the car park that Red Earth have fenced off.
Councillor D Brenton 25 October 2022
(A) £27,242
(B) Nil
(C) The Parking manager has confirmed that the fencing off has not impacted upon car parking income there have been no reports of the car park becoming full, as supported by the income which remains unaltered over the previous 12 months.
Councillor Brenton asked a supplementary question to which the Head of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) advised that payment is due to Red Earth by April 2023.
Councillor Gubb joined the meeting at 6.38pm.
Petitions To receive petition
Minutes: One petition had been received from “Save our Historic Village of Winkleigh from Excessive House Building”. The petition was endorsed by 578 residents of Winkleigh. The petition was scanned in and uploaded to the relevant planning application on file on the website. In line with the Council’s Constitution Scheme and as the Petition did not contain the required number of signatures (2000), it will not be debated at Full Council.
Following concern from some Members that the required number of signatures may not be achievable in smaller areas, the Chair advised this could be investigated when the Council’s Constitution Scheme is next reviewed.
Parkham Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation PDF 211 KB To receive the report of the Senior Planning Policy Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Communities and Place presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek the designation of Parkham Civil Parish as a Neighbourhood Area under Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended.
It was proposed by Councillor A Dart, seconded by Councillor T Inch and –
That Parkham Civil Parish be designated as a Neighbourhood Area in accordance with Section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended in the report.
(Vote: For – unanimous) |
Rural Prosperity Fund Submission for Torridge PDF 271 KB To receive the report of the Head of Communities & Place. Minutes: The Economic Development Officer presented the report, the purpose of which was to obtain Member approval for the Torridge District Council Rural Prosperity Fund investment plan to be submitted to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) by November 30th, 2022.
A slide presentation was delivered highlighting the salient points of the fund. Members were informed that the Fund had been launched unexpectedly by DEFRA and is designed as a top-up to the Shared Prosperity Fund. All of Torridge is eligible for this Fund. It is a capital grant scheme which focuses on support for new and existing rural businesses to develop new products and facilities that will be of wider benefit to the local economy. It includes farm businesses looking to diversify income streams. It is also to support new and improved community infrastructure, providing essential community services and assets for local people and businesses to benefit the local economy.
The presentation also included:
· The allocation to Torridge – only for capital spend with no additional revenue funds allocated to manage this budget · Timetable The Economic Development Officer informed Members of an amendment to the timetable:
“Submission to Full Council for approval - ND Council to be presented to Full Council 23 November and not 3 November.”
Councillor C Cottle-Hunkin declared an interest – part of a farming family Councillor J Manley declared an interest - Director of North Devon+. Councillor K James declared an interest – Director of North Devon+
Councillor Newton raised a concern regarding the funding allocation to Gt. Torrington Pannier Market as this is a building owned by Torridge which is in poor repair. The Economic Development Officer addressed this concern and explained that Torridge had identified strategic community infrastructure schemes that aid regeneration where no alternative grant funding was likely to be forthcoming.
Councillor Christie referred to the recommendation in relation to the costs involved in managing this scheme and requested sight of the figures when available. He gave his support to the funding towards Victoria Park and mentioned that Bideford Bridge Trust and Bideford Town Council have monies in their budget towards Victoria Park. The Economic Development Officer said there had been lack of clarity as to how much had assigned from them and a request has been made to them for further information.
When debating this matter, other concerns/comments raised included:
· Lack of benefits to other areas in the district · Gt Torrington Pannier Market and Victoria Park being previously removed from the budget. There will be economic benefit in including the two schemes. · Questioned whether this funding scheme will come to fruition. · Monies set aside from outside bodies for play equipment in Victoria Park and other play parks. The Head of Communities & Place advised that a scheme guidance needed to be developed with the possibility of having an upper amount and if above this the project would be referred back to Full Council.
It was proposed by Councillor Hames, seconded by Councillor Jones that individual votes be taken ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |
Inquorate Parish Councils and Temporary Appointment to Parish Council PDF 132 KB To receive the report of the Head of Legal & Governance. Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Democratic Service and Electoral Officer (Deputy Monitoring Officer) presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek Full Council’s approval to enable an Order for a temporary appointment to Alverdiscott & Huntshaw Parish Council in accordance with section 91(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.
It was proposed by Councillor S Newton, seconded by J Manley and – Resolved:
That the Order attached in Appendix A of the report to appoint a temporary parish councillor for the Alverdiscott & Huntshaw parish council be approved and that Councillor R Lock be appointed as the temporary parish councillor.
(Vote: For – unanimous)
Councillor Ford had left the room and did not take part in the vote.
Schedule of Committee meetings 2023/2024 PDF 177 KB To receive the report of the Chief Executive. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive presented the report, the purpose of which was to agree the Schedule of Committee Meetings for 2023/24.
Councillor Newton requested that future meetings of Full Council and Plans Committee continue to be held at Caddsdown and not at the Town Hall. The Chief Executive advised that Members at Leadership Team had asked that money be invested in the Town Hall to enable meetings to be held there. Contractors have already been instructed to carry out the improvement works. There are also continuing costs with holding meetings at Caddsdown.
There were concerns expressed by Members as to the suitability of Bideford Town Hall for future meetings.
It was proposed by Councillor Manley, seconded by Councillor Clarke and –
That the Schedule of Committee Meetings for 2023/24 be approved.
(Vote: For – unanimous)
Active Travel To receive a verbal update from Councillor Hames. Minutes: Councillor Hames gave the following update:
Group was set up two years ago.
July 2020 Councillors voted to unanimously approve his Notice of Motion which proposed that the Council works with other Authorities and Community Groups to encourage safe cycling and to identify and promote simple cycle routes.
Details of those who sit on the Group was given.
The work of the Group is primarily to identify suitable cycle and walking in the area. One of the major routes identified is from Westward Ho! through to Northam using quieter road routes creating dedicated tracks and using the existing route that goes alongside Heywood Road. The objective is to continue the route from the Quay to link with the Long Bridge.
Full details of the link were given with the benefits of the linkage to the trail from Westward Ho! to Bideford route encouraging healthy leisure cycling, contributing to the tourist economy and assist with those wishing to cycle to their place of employment.
Other routes have been identified.
Ruby Way Project now well advanced.
Failure to progress the Kenwith Valley route linking Westward Ho! to Bideford along the old railway line. Despite S106 monies being allocated to it and it being in the County Council infrastructure plans the project has been held up by two landowners who will not allow the route through their land.
Routes identified by the Group have been worked out by Consultants into detailed proposed cycle walking routes and have recently been the subject of a public consultation which produced responses from over 300 people. It is hoped the finalised plan will be ready by early 2024 and the aim is to be adopted and be part of the local revised Local Plan.
Group has looked at parking opportunities and has drawn up a list of priority sites.
Looking to achieve a cheap bike scheme for people on low incomes, investigating a local bike safety scheme for children and supported a proposed local scheme promoted by codecars which would enable public use of the call of electric cars and electric bikes which would be serviced by a network of charging points. It is hoped that a network of alternative travel can be achieved which will contribute to a reduction of cars, resulting in less carbon emissions and to make safer travel.
Councillor McGeough updated on a Devon County HATOC meeting and confirmed they fully supported this.
Councillor Hackett expressed strongly his concerns that horses were not included on the routes. Councillor Hames advised he had taken the concerns on board and will be taken into full consideration in the report going with IC Whip Consultation. |
Notices of Motion |
Written Notice of Motion from Councillor Brenton That TDC acquire a number of thermal imaging leak detection cameras to lend out to residence in order that households can take remedial action to improve the insulation etc. of their residences.
Cllr D Brenton 20 October 22 Minutes: “That TDC acquire a number of thermal imaging leak detection cameras to lend out to residence in order that households can take remedial action to improve the insulation etc. of their residences.”
Councillor Brenton presented his Notice of Motion.
A very brief discussion followed.
It was proposed by Councillor D Brenton, seconded by Councillor S Langford.
(Vote: For – 8, Against – 24, Abstentions – 2)
The Motion was lost. |
Housing Provision - Council Land Review To receive an update from the Leader and the Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chief Executive explained the item had been listed in Part I and Part II as there is commercially sensitive information to be discussed.
Following the discussion in Part II, the meeting returned to Part I for the Chair to give an update on the sites the Council had decided to pursue in and around the Torridge area for potential development as affordable housing. This does not mean the sites will be developed and built on, but feasibility studies will be undertaken on the following sites:
Further reports to be brought to Members in due course.
Exclusion of Public The Chair to move:
“That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972” Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Bushby, seconded by Councillor Inch and –
That under Section 100(a)(4) of the Local Government Act (as amended) the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business because of the likely disclosure of exempt information by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 and Paragraph 10 of Part 2 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
(Vote: For - Unanimous)
Items which may be taken in the absence of the public and press on the grounds that exempt information may be disclosed.
Housing Provision - Council Land Review To receive the report of the Leader & Chief Executive. Minutes: The Chief Executive presented the report, the purpose of which was for Members to decide which sites listed in the report to take forward for the provision of housing. The report sets out what Members had asked Officers to review further.
Members were informed of amendments to the report, namely –
1. To remove recommendation 14
2. Recommendations 15 and 16 – to report to Full Council rather than Community & Resources Committee
A lengthy debate followed.
It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Lock that an en block vote be taken for all 12 sites.
Further discussion then ensued, during which Members debated whether the vote should be taken en bloc or individually for each site. Councillor Leather withdrew his motion.
It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Dart and –
That votes are taken individually for each site.
It was proposed by Councillor Bushby, seconded by Councillor Hodson and –
That recommendations 15 and 16, subject to the amendments stated above be approved.
(Vote: For 32, Against 2)
Councillors Manley and Ford left the meeting at 9pm.
Leisure Management Update To receive the report of Leader. Minutes: The Leader, Councillor James introduced this item, following which a joint slide presentation was given by Active Torridge Director, the Non-Executive Director, and the Head of Leisure Operations. The presentation provided an update on the Business Plan and financial costs pertaining to the delivery of leisure services.
In accordance with the Council Constitution it was proposed, seconded and –
That in view of the fact that 3 hours had elapsed since the meeting had commenced, that the meeting should continue.
(Vote: For – unanimous)
Councillor McGeough left the meeting at 9.30pm
Councillor Pennington left the meeting at 9.40pm
Members thanked all involved for a very comprehensive report and to Active Torridge Team for doing such an excellent job.
The contents of the report and the presentation were noted by Members.
It was proposed, seconded and –
That the meeting return to Part 1 and that any press and public be readmitted.
(Vote: For – unanimous)
To ensure the public are aware of the votes on this item the meeting returned to Part I. Details of the voting are set out in Minute 78. |