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No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence To receive apologies for absence from the meeting Minutes: Prior to the commencement of the meeting a minutes silence as held for Councillor P Christie.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: L Bright, L Ford, S Gibson, K Hepple, P Shepherd, H Thomas and J Whittaker. |
Public Contributions 15 minute period for public contributions. The deadline for registering to speak is by 2pm Thursday 7th March. To register please email
Minutes: There was one public speaker, Mr Desmond Willetts. Mr Willetts addressed the Committee regarding the Levelling Up Partnership grant and raised concerns on how TDC are handling the grant. Concerns raised included the inequality of the distribution of the grant, revenue costs were unknown, Councillors had not been made aware of all the facts and implications of the project, effect on Torridge’s plans, the setting of future capital and revenue budgets and lack of government funding. |
Declarations of interest Members with interests to declare should refer to the Agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is being discussed. Minutes: Members were reminded that declarations of interest should be made as and when the specific agenda item to which they related was under discussion. |
Agreement of Agenda Items Part I and II Minutes: There were no Part II items. |
To consider correspondence or other business especially brought forward by the direction of the Chair Minutes: No items were brought forward. |
Devon & Torbay Devolution Deal Proposal and Consultation To receive the report of the Chief Executive. Devon County Councillor representatives will be present to discuss and answer questions. Minutes: The Chief Execuitve presented the report, the purpose of which was to bring to the attention of Full Council the Devon County Council and Torbay Unitary Council Devolution Deal proposal that had been approved for consultation by their respective Cabinets/Executives on 2nd February. The consultation went live on 12th February 2024 and will run for 6 weeks.
The Chief Exectuvie handed over to Keri Denton, Director of Performance and Partnerships at DCC and Maria Price, Director of Legal and Democratic Services at DCC.
A detailed slide presentation was delivered which included the following: · What is devolution · National and local context · Devolution framework · Ambitions and priorities · Benefits o Economy and growth o Skills o Housing o Transport o Net zero and low carbon · Impact · Governance · Proposed Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA) · Voting rights · Team Devon Joint Committee · Proposed advisory boards · Assurance · Consultation, next steps and timescales
More information is available on the website.
Following the presentation Members were invited to ask questions and a lengthy discussion and debate commenced.
In response to a query regarding Plymouth City Council’s place on the CCA, Keri Denton advised that their seat could be a loss if they choose not to join and gave reasons for Plymouth not wanting to join, however the Government requested that the opportunity be given.
The Chief Executive provided further information on the proposed amendment to the policy for District Councils to have a greater voice, however this failed in the parliamentary process, therefore it is the legislation that stipulates the voting rights. However it is the intention of Team Devon to go back to the Governance Model for a greater level of representation form the District Councils.
The decision to have three appointed Members from DCC and three from Torbay was decided by the type of authority not by population.
Following a comment that the constitution has a form of appeal, Maria Price confirmed that the constitution still had to be written and she would take on comments made by Members to ensure there is a right of appeal.
In response to a comment regarding the lack of DCC representatives, Keri Denton apologised and said she would take back comments made. She also confirmed that her and her team are often in the area. The CCA would not have an office and would not be based in Exeter.
Throughout the debate it became clear that Members had concerns and were apprehensive about the Devolution deal.
Following a query regarding the Government document stating that no local authority functions are being removed from any local authority in any area apart from transport, Keri Denton confirmed it would be the transport planning function that would move into the CCA. Highways would stay with DCC.
Information was given by Keri Denton on funding received to set up he CCA and the model that would be used. Other sources of funding were detailed.
The re-assessment of the Governance could be added to the constitution for changes in the ... view the full minutes text for item 263. |
Exclusion of Public The Chair to move:
“That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972” |
Items which may be taken in the absence of the public and press on the grounds that exempt information may be disclosed.