Venue: Town Hall - Bridge Street, Bideford, EX39 2HS. View directions
Contact: Sandra Cawsey Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from the meeting. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Brenton. |
Minutes of the Community & Resources Committee meeting held on 24 July 2023 PDF 131 KB Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Lock and -
Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2023 be signed as a correct record.
(Vote: For 8, Abstentions 2)
Matters Arising
Minute 342 – Forward Plan
Councillor Christie noted that an item “Tolerated Trespass Site” had not been included on the Forward Plan as per his request. It was agreed to add this item as a foot note on the Forward Plan. This matter will be raised at the Joint Planning Policy Committee – it is anticipated getting the item early on the Agenda because it is a piece of work that can be started even without understanding the scope of the wider Local Plan review. |
Minutes: The Action List was reviewed and updated. |
Public Contributions Public contributions in accordance with the current scheme. (The deadline for registering to speak is by 2pm Thursday 7 September 2021. To register please email
Minutes: There were no public contributions.
Minutes: The Forward Plan was noted.
Declarations of Interest Members with interests to declare should refer to the Agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is being considered. Minutes: Declarations of interest were made when the specific agenda items to which they related were under discussion. |
Agreement of Agenda between Parts I and II Minutes: There are no Part II items. |
Urgent Matters of information to be brought forward with the permission of the Chair and the Committee Minutes: Councillor Hicks referred to the comments in this week’s Members Bulletin that Leadership Team had agreed the Bulletin will cease. The Senior Elections and Democratic Services Officer advised the Bulletin will continue but will be sent using an alternative system. |
Revenues & Benefits Document Imaging Process (DIPS) upgrade & conversion PDF 116 KB To receive the report of the Head of Legal & Governance (Monitoring Officer) Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
That the funds to allow for the conversion and upgrade of the Revenues & Benefits DIPs system to the Capita product be authorised. Minutes: The Head of Legal and Governance & Monitoring Officer presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek Member approval for funding for a conversion of and upgrade to the DIPs system within the Revenues and Benefits Team.
Following a brief discussion it was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Piper and -
That the funds to allow for the conversion and upgrade of the Revenues & Benefits DIPs system to the Capita product be authorised.
(Vote: For – Unanimous) |
Victoria Park Cycling Option PDF 1013 KB To receive the report of the Community Engagement Officer Decision: Resolved:
That we go to Consultation on design and route of the cycle path. The motion was lost. Minutes: The purpose of the report, presented by the Community Engagement Officer, was for Members to decide if creating and promoting a “recreational” cycling/active travel route through Victoria Park, Bideford (using existing pathways) is favourable.
During the debate points/concerns raised included:
· Members endorsed the proposal but had concerns with the route through the park being too close to the children’s paddling pool and the play area.
· The need to create safer space and green travel routes and for cyclists and pedestrians to share and work together. To encourage people to use cycling option.
· An opportunity for children to learn how to ride in a safe environment.
· Reference was made to other parks in the country where this type of proposal had been successful.
The Community Engagement Officer addressed comments in relation to signage and painted lines separating cyclists. He said it is more about guidance and safety usage of the area. Devon County Council Officers who regularly deal with these matters, are advising not separating and more directional in areas where cyclists cannot go, or where Officers do not want them to go.
It was proposed by Councillor Hames, seconded by Councillor Christie and
That we go to Consultation on design and route of the cycle path.
(Vote: For 4, Against 5, Abstentions 1)
The motion was lost. |
Victoria Park Play Area centre piece planning consent PDF 115 KB To receive the report of the Community Engagement Officer Decision: Resolved:
That the submission of a planning application for the proposed play equipment in Victoria Park, that cannot be delivered within permitted development rights, be authorised. Minutes: Councillor Christie declared a personal interest – Trustee of Bideford Bridge Trust.
The Community Engagement Officer presented the report, the purpose of which was for Members to authorise the submission of a planning application for new play equipment within Victoria Park.
Councillor Christie had concerns with the proposed opening of the play area being Christmas, middle of winter, and suggested a more appropriate time would be Easter 2024.
Following comments from Members that they had not seen the design, the Community Engagement Officer agreed to forward a copy of what is proposed and details of Kompan, the suppliers of the play equipment.
It was proposed by Councillor Piper, seconded by Councillor Christie and -
That the submission of a planning application for the proposed play equipment in Victoria Park, that cannot be delivered within permitted development rights, be authorised.
(Vote: For – Unanimous) |