Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Town Hall - Bridge Street, Bideford, EX39 2HS. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence from the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor L Bright and  Councillor Christie.


Councillor Wheatley was present as substitute for Councillor L Bright.


Minutes of the Community & Resources Committee meeting held on 23rd October 2023. pdf icon PDF 92 KB


It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Piper and -



That the Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2023 be signed as a correct record.


(Vote:  For 7, Abstentions 2)



Public Contributions

Public contributions in accordance with the current scheme.  (The deadline for registering  to speak is by 2pm Thursday 18 January 2024. To register please email



There were no public contributions.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The Forward Plan was noted. 


Following a query regarding a review of parking charges, it was confirmed this could be discussed as part of the Community & Resources Budget Special on Monday 29th January 2024.




Declarations of Interest

Members with interests to declare should refer to the Agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is being considered.


Members were reminded that declarations of interest were to be made when the specific agenda items to which they related were under discussion.


Agreement of Agenda between Parts I and II



It was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Lock and –



That the Agenda as circulated be agreed.


(Vote: For - Unanimous)




Urgent Matters of information to be brought forward with the permission of the Chair and the Committee


There were no urgent matters brought forward.


Cllr Lo-Vel Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To receive the report of the Head of Communities & Place.




Charitable events on the Quay Car Park (including the area know as Fisherman’s Quay) in Bideford are charged at a rate of 50% of the maximum charge.


Chair introduced Councillor Lovell’s Notice of Motion and provided the Councillor with an opportunity to speak .


The Head of Community and Place summarised the question for members and it’s journey to the Committee today. Members were advised of the recommendation.


Councillor Lovell requested that, if a full discount wasn’t possible, a higher discount be considered. It was felt that other car parks within the vicinity would continue to charge and those charges could be used to cover costs.  


Members discussed the discount and how this could be perceived, and it was also questioned whether this would set a precedent for other towns in the District.


During discussion on the costs and administration of car parks Councillor Leather provided an amendment to the recommendation and proposed that the percentage be amended to 50%.


Members noted their support for this amendment, stating the limited number of charitable events in Bideford and access to adjacent car parks. It was also felt the council should not profit from a charity event.


There was further discussion regarding whether TDC would be setting a precedent for other areas.  The Head of Communities and Place advised members this was not the case as the Notice of Motion related specifically to Bideford Quay, and any additional requests and the possible implications would need to be considered separately.


Members raised discussions at the Budget Working Group on this matter, and the reasoning for the recommendation to Committee.  The need to balance the recommendation alongside the budget for statutory and discretionary services was highlighted and members were reminded to consider the implications for future budgets, given current forecasts.


Following a member query it was confirmed the proposed discount would be for Registered Charities.


A suggestion was made that figures relating to the average takings of adjacent car parks to the Quay could be compared with figures for dates when events have taken place. It was asked if these figures could be made available and Chair advised that the matter could then be deferred. The Head of Communities and Place advised of the scale of work involved in collating this data balanced with its accuracy.   


Members had a detailed discussion regarding the statistics / figures used to come to the recommendation, and it was clarified that the Car Parks in question were Quay Car Park and Open Fisherman’s Warfe. During discussions the Section 151 Officer restated the importance of considering the budget for the following and future years and the implication of providing a more generous offer than recommended within the report.  


Councillor Dart proposed the item be deferred till the 4th March, after the Budget Setting meeting due to take place next Monday. The Chief Executive advised that this could be deferred, but as it is a ‘discreate item’ – meaning it is from a Notice of Motion – the discussion would remain the same as was currently tabled. There was no seconder for the proposal.


Following a final discussion on the wording of the amendment and detail  ...  view the full minutes text for item 382.


Consideration of Water Fountains / Refill Stations within TDC Assets pdf icon PDF 265 KB

To receive the report of the Estates Manager.




·         To hold any further progress, based upon the contents of this Report and the previous Report to Committee.

·         To review when suitable and compelling funding opportunities become accessible and delivery / operational resources can be identified within prevailing provisions.

·         To actively support events such as World Refill Day (this took place on 16/06/2023 this year and is assumed will take place in 2024).



The Estate Manager explained he was reporting back following the outcome of the October Committee. Members were advised of the work that had taken place since.


Following a detailed summary of the report the Estate Manager advised members of the recommendations set out in the report.


Further detail was requested regarding the potential impact for businesses and decisions relating to the list of proposed locations. National trends related to refill stations were also highlighted. It was asked if there was detail on running cost of the water fountain at Westbourne Terrace Westward Ho!. It was suggested that sites at Victoria Park Bideford, Castle Hill Torrington and Northam Burrows could be prioritised.


The Estate Manager provided a detailed response to the queries raised in relation to impact to business and the considerations for Torridge compared to more urban areas. He also explained the reasoning behind not progressing with a site at Northam Burrows Visitor Centre and the management of the water fountain at Westward Ho!


Members clarified detail in the report related Stanhope Park in Holsworthy and it was asked if the information regarding funding could be passed to Town and Parish Councils.


During discussions Councillor Hames proposed an amendment to the recommendation and Councillor Piper requested an addition to this amendment so that Holsworthy Stanhope Park could also be considered.


It was proposed by Councillor Hames, seconded by Councillor Brenton and



That the Capital installation and maintenance costs of drinking and refill fountains be investigated at Victoria Park, Torrington Castle Hill Car Park, Northam Burrows Centre and Holsworthy Stanhope Park.  Information about the costs involved of a drinking fountain at Westbourne Terrace Westward Ho! be used in this investigation and funding considered from the Council’s Climate Change budget and any external sources’. 


(Vote: For 2, Against 6, Abstentions 2)


The vote was lost.


It was proposed by Councillor Lock, seconded by Councillor James and




·         To hold any further progress, based upon the contents of this Report and the previous Report to Committee.

·         To review when suitable and compelling funding opportunities become accessible and delivery / operational resources can be identified within prevailing provisions.

·         To actively support events such as World Refill Day (this took place on 16/06/2023 this year and is assumed will take place in 2024).


(Vote: For 8, Abstentions 2)


TDC Carbon Footprint pdf icon PDF 327 KB

To receive the report of the Sustainability & Climate Officer.

Additional documents:




1.    To enable the Council to move towards its stated objectives, decarbonisation needs to be significantly considered and supported within the Council’s operation and capital activities.  Efforts should be made by the Council to seek out decarbonisation options by default for its various activities, acknowledging the fiscal position and technology practicalities will also be influencing aspects.


Chair introduced the Sustainability & Climate Officer who explained the purpose of the report was to inform Council’s carbon footprint review and associated context, and outline the considerations and actions relative to how the Council moves towards carbon neutrality and its Net Zero 2030 target.


The Sustainability and Climate Officer went on to provide members with a detailed presentation summarising the key findings, the Council’s position in relation to the targets set and what action was being taken. Members were advised that the 2030 commitment would not be met without carbon offsetting.


Members thanked the Sustainability & Climate Officer for the report and also noted the level of work required in order to meet the targets set for 6 years time.


Following a query regarding figures on Page 21 of the report   a 107% increase in the Council’s carbon footprint – the Sustainability & Climate Officer clarified the figures and explained them  in more detail for members.


The council’s position on the national scorecard was noted and it was asked whether similar District Councils could offer some solutions. The Sustainability and Climate Officer advised work had already taken place via the Climate Change working group and how best practice was already being shared. The findings were detailed for members and it was explained that availability of funding was the main barrier to progress.


The Chief Executive concurred with the Sustainability and Climate Officer and provided members with further context regarding the Council’s position. The practicalities and implication of making the required changed were noted.


It was asked if Lead Members had responded to the consultation. The Sustainability and Climate Officer confirmed that Councillor Hames had provided a response.


Discussion moved onto alternative fuels in terms of heating and vehicles. The Sustainability and Climate Officer advised of the Council’s work investigating this. She advised her recommendation was to await the findings from the Environment Agency best practice study before making a decision / commitment regarding fuel alternatives.


Members recognised the work taking place to achieve what was possible with reserves available and thanked the officer for her report.


It was proposed by Councillor Hames, seconded by Councillor Brenton and – Resolved:


That the wording of the recommendation be amended to: To enable the Council to move towards its stated objectives, decarbonisation needs to be urgently investigated and supported….’


(Vote: For 2, Against 8)


It was proposed by Councillor Lock, seconded by Councillor Dart and –



That to enable the Council to move towards its stated objectives, decarbonisation needs to be significantly considered and supported within the Council’s operation and capital activities.  Efforts should be made by the Council to seek out decarbonisation options by default for its various activities, acknowledging the fiscal position and technology practicalities will also be influencing aspects.


(Vote: For 8, Abstentions 2)


Procurement Strategy 2023 - 2027 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To receive the report of the Major Projects Manager.

Additional documents:




1.    The Devon Districts Procurement Strategy 2023 – 2027 be published and adopted by Torridge District Council.


2.    That the draft Social Value Policy be approved.


The Major Projects Manager presented his report, the purpose of which was to request the adoption of a new Procurement Strategy and new Social Value Policy


The Major Projects Manager summarised the key points within the report and highlighted the work that had taken place to review and draft the new Devon District Procurement Strategy, which had been attached with the published agenda. 


Members were also advised of the work of the Internal Overview & Scrutiny Task and Finish Group to produce the Social Value Policy, also attached with the agenda for adoption.


Members asked the Major Projects Officer what the implications were of not adopting the procurement strategy. Member were advised the existing procurement strategy would remain in place, but this would not be compliant with legislation that was due later in the year.


Following a request for further clarification on the new process. The Major Project Officer advised that TDC would be expected to assess and measure outputs whilst commissioning services to demonstrate the social value it could bring to the District. Examples of the process provided member with more context regarding the changes.  


Following a query regarding how climate change and carbon reduction were considered members were advised that this was embedded within the procurement strategy and the reasoning behind this.


There was further request for detail on the process when the council engages with suppliers, and the Major Projects Manager clarified the Task and Finish group role in setting the metric the Council will work to.  Members asked if there would be an opportunity to see the process in more detail and the Major Projects Manager advised details could be shared outside of the meeting. 


It was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Piper and



1.    That The Devon Districts Procurement Strategy 2023 – 2027 be published and adopted by Torridge District Council.


2.    That the draft Social Value Policy be approved.



(Vote: For 9, Abstentions 1)



Proposed Distribution of TDC's Allocation of the Leisure and Culture Elements of the Rural Prosperity Fund pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To receive the report of Head of Communities & Place.




1.    For committee to approve the £100,000 Rural Prosperity Funding to be used by Torridge District Council to improve energy efficiency of the Torridge Leisure facilities.


2.    For this committee to approve the following cultural direct awards:


·         Burton Art Gallery, Bideford - £20,000

·         Holsworthy Amateur Theatrical Society (HATS) - £10,000

·         Plough Arts Centre, Torrington - £20,000



The Head of Communities & Place addressed committee and explained the purpose of the report was to request approval of Culture and Leisure Direct Award processes for the Rural Prosperity Fund.


Members were advised of funding awarded from the Rural England Prosperity Fund in 2022, along with the agreed allocation of this funding and the outcomes so far. 


It was agreed that the allocation for leisure infrastructure and culture would return to committee for agreement, and this was the purpose of today’s report. Members were advised that officers had identified 2 options for consideration and the recommendations, as set out in the report, were detailed. 


Following a brief discussion regarding declarations of interest Councillor Hicks, Councillor James, Councillor Piper, the Chief Executive and the Head of Communities and Place all declared a personal interest as Board Members of Active Torridge.


It was proposed by Councillor Brenton, seconded by Councillor Dart and –



1.            For committee to approve the £100,000 Rural Prosperity Funding to be used by Torridge District Council to improve energy efficiency of the Torridge Leisure facilities.

2.            For this committee to approve the following cultural direct awards:


     Burton Art Gallery, Bideford - £20,000

     Holsworthy Amateur Theatrical Society (HATS) - £10,000

     Plough Arts Centre, Torrington - £20,000


(Vote: For 9, Abstentions 1)


Great Torrington Regeneration Strategy pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To receive the report of the Economic Development Officer.




  • Adopt the Great Torrington Regeneration Strategy



The Economic Development Manager explained the purpose of the report was to update Members on the status of the Great Torrington Regeneration Board and to request the adoption of the Great Torrington Regeneration Strategy


Following a query regarding Active Travel it was confirmed that this would be part of the strategy.


It was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Brenton and – Resolved:


To adopt the Great Torrington Regeneration Strategy.


(Vote: For Unanimous)



Change of Use Planning Application for the Old Bideford Library pdf icon PDF 17 KB

To receive the report of the Head of Communities & Place.




That Committee authorise the submission of a change of use planning application for the old Bideford Library building in preparation for its use as an Active Torridge leisure facility.



The Head of Communities & Place presented the report, the purpose of which was to  request that committee authorise the submission of a change of use planning application for the old Bideford Library building in preparation for its use as an Active Torridge Leisure facility.


The Chief Executive, Councillor Hicks, Councillor James, Councillor Piper and the Head of Communities and Place declared a personal interest as members of the Active Torridge Board.


It was proposed by Councillor Lock, seconded by Councillor Dart and –



That Committee authorise the submission of a change of use planning application for the old Bideford Library building in preparation for its use as an Active Torridge leisure facility.


(Vote: For Unanimous).



Amendments to Strategic Asset Plan Delivery pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To receive the report of the Estates Manager.

Additional documents:


It was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Hames and – Resolved:


To defer the item to a future meeting as a full report was not attached with the agenda.



(Vote: For Unanimous)



Exclusion of the Public

The Chair to move:


That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part I and paragraph 10 of Part 2 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


It was proposed by Councillor Hicks, seconded by Councillor James and – Resolved:


That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part I and paragraph 10 of Part 2 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


(Vote: For Unanimous)



Councillor Brenton left the meeting at 12:02 and returned at 12:08.






Acquisition of additional land

To receive the report of the Estates Manager.




That subject to legal due diligence being undertaken, TDC proceed to exercise the option and proceed to purchase the site.


The Estates Manager explained the purpose of the report and provided members with a detailed summary of the recommendations.


Following a brief discussion it was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Dart and –



That subject to legal due diligence being undertaken, TDC proceed to exercise the option and proceed to purchase the site.

(Vote: For Unanimous)


It was proposed by Councillor Dart, seconded by Councillor Lock and –



That the meeting come out of Part II and close.


(Vote: For Unanimous)