Venue: Remote meeting via Zoom
Contact: Mary Richards Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies For Absence To receive apologies for absence from the meeting. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Cottle-Hunkin and Councillor Ford. Councillor Harding had technical issues but was eventually able to join the meeting at 18.15. |
Public Participation 15 minute period for public contributions Minutes: There were no public contributions.
It was proposed by Councillor Pennington and seconded by Councillor Newton –
The running order of the agenda be changed so that items 3 (Minutes) and 4 (Action List) be considered after item 8 (Petroc College/Promoting Youth Employment).
A recorded vote was taken.
(Vote: For – unanimous) |
Declaration Of Interests Members with interests should refer to the agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is considered.
Minutes: Members were reminded that declarations of interest should be made as and when the specific agenda item to which they related was under discussion.
Agreement Of Agenda Items Part I and II Minutes: There were no Part II items. |
Urgent Matters Brought Forward With the Permission Of The Chair Minutes: There were no urgent matters brought forward. |
Petroc College / Promoting Youth Employment To receive a presentation from Mr Sean Mackney, Principal and CEO Petroc College. Minutes: The Chair invited members to introduce themselves.
Councillor Pennington declared a personal interest – his son works at Petroc College.
Mr Mackney thanked members for the opportunity to attend and for the questions submitted prior to the meeting. Information was shared about the strategy, mission and aims of the college to provide excellence across all areas of learning through its values led approach based on community, empowerment and respect. The Team Petroc approach presents 5 ways of working - personalised and customer focused; digitally able; achieving value for money; agile and entrepreneurial and continuously learning and improving.
The college’s performance is benchmarked against the top 10% of colleges of further education in the country.
Mr Mackney spoke about the key aims of the strategy making reference to learner achievements; life chances and employment opportunities; building community and prosperity; supporting local businesses and those who create new businesses to boost productivity and to be innovative and agile. Climate emergency is also a key aim.
Speaking about the impact of Covid, Mr Mackney explained the college’s approach which had been to create a stable, sustainable and safe learning/working environment for staff, learners and the community. A blended learning approach had been adopted during Covid which had meant both learners and staff had had to develop new skills, for some it had been challenging but support was in place. Addressing the issue of digital poverty, the college had distributed 200 wifi dongles and purchased 450 laptops. Rooms had been given over to the NHS for hot zones for treatment but these had not been needed in the end and space for training Covid volunteers had been provided.
The financial impact had been felt but Petroc had not required government intervention. There had been positive outcomes such as team ethos and the willingness to learn better ways to support learning – staff satisfaction had increased from 77% 2 years ago to 92% during lockdown.
There had been some adversity in respect of apprenticeships, with employers closing schemes down, not taking on apprentices or even businesses going bust. It had not been possible to find work placements, although working environments had been simulated. Hands on experience had suffered. This is starting to recover and there are financial incentives coming from government. Financial poverty had ranged from casual work drying up to free school meal support being withdrawn over the holidays.
The college had seen increasing numbers of referrals related to domestic violence. Safeguarding incidents had doubled from 250 a year to 450 and again to 900. There were real concerns around mental health and particularly self harm. Counselling is provided.
With regard to opportunities, the topic of home working was raised and the prospect of training students to adapt to the aspects of working online was put forward, perhaps even teaming up with companies to try to get them to offer that type of apprenticeship. Mr Mackney told the meeting that every learner has digital skills as part of their learning programme. A Dragon’s Den ... view the full minutes text for item 66. |
Confirmation of the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 March. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Pennington and –
That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 March be agreed and signed as a correct record.
A recorded vote was taken.
(Vote: For - unanimous)
Matters Arising
Minute 56 – Westward Housing: Play Areas
Councillor Langford confirmed that the swings at High View had now been replaced.
Minute 56 – Westward Housing: Bowden Green
Councillor Langford had spoken to Barbara Shaw about Bowden Green being on the list of potential areas to be developed for housing, and Ms Shaw had advised that any prospective development would always be subject to tenant consultation, as tenants pay a service charge. It would not be extended to the general public. |
Minutes: The action list was noted. |
Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Pennington, seconded by Councillor Newton and –
That, subject to the addition and approval by the Chair of a synopsis relating to today’s presentation by Mr Mackney, the annual report be published.
A recorded vote was taken.
(Vote: for – unanimous) |
Consideration of the Forward Plan 2021 - 2022 PDF 205 KB Minutes: There were no amendments to the forward plan. It was noted that the Chair felt the forward plan for the next year should be set by the incoming, new committee.
Councillor Newton left the meeting.
In response to a request to invite the grounds maintenance contractor to a future meeting, the Head of Legal & Governance and Monitoring Officer gave the following update: Plans were progressing to bring the grounds maintenance service in house by 1 April 2022. Any complaints about the current service should be passed to the Head of Legal & Governance and Monitoring Officer. |