Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall - Bridge Street, Bideford, EX39 2HS. View directions

Contact: Kirsty Brown Dem Services 01237 428768  Email:


No. Item


Apologies For Absence


Prior to the meeting the Decision Notice from Community & Resources held on 29th January was distributed.


No apologies were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Confirmation of the minutes held on 12th December.


It was proposed by Councillor S Inch, seconded by Councillor T Elliott and –




That the minutes of the meeting held on 12th December be agreed.


(Vote: For – 9, Against – 0, Abstentions - 1)


Action List pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The action list was discussed and updated.


Public Contributions

A 15-minute period for public contributions.  (The deadline for registering to speak is by 2pm Friday 2 February 2024. To register please email



There were no public contributions.


Declaration of Interests

Members with interests should refer to the agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is considered.



Members were reminded that declarations of interest should be made as and when the specific agenda item to which they related was under discussion.



Urgent Matters Brought Forward with the Permission of the Chair


No items were brought forward.


Agreement of Agenda Items Part I And II


There were no Part II items.


Budget 2024/25, Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 - 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 759 KB

To receive the report of the Finance Manager (S151 Officer).


The Finance Manager (S151 Officer) presented the report, the purpose of which was for Members to consider, formulate and recommend the 2024/25 Budget to Full Council.


The Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) indicates the possible extent of the budget and funding shortfall that the Council will face in the future. It is an aid in identifying the extent of service changes that the Council will need to make to achieve a balanced budget in each financial year up to 2028/29.


The Finance Manager (S151 Officer) advised that the figures may change slightly due to the final settlement figure yet to be received and the methodology of business rates.


A slide presentation was delivered.


A discussion began where it centred around a query regarding TDC’s highest Council Tax collection rate is from properties in bands A – C and how does this compare to other Local Authorities. The Finance Manager (S151 Officer) advised that TDC have a different housing mix to other Local Authorities, therefore collection rates are higher in the lower bands, and this is calculated using very complicated model from Central Government. The Chief Executive advised that there is an ongoing debate regarding Council Tax in rural areas and that there is a disparity in the system. 


Following a query asking what measures TDC can establish to help prevent the Budgetary Stabilisation Reserve funds running out in 3 years’ time, a lengthy discussion took place. During the discussion it was recommended by Councillor S Newton, that a Reserves Policy be created and adopted. Members expressed their opinions on whether a Reserves Policy was required or not and how it could work. The Finance Manager (S151 Officer) confirmed that other LAs have their own Reserves Policies. The Chief Executive advised the Committee on how the reserves are already managed, monitored and the governance that is in place. 


The Finance Manager (S151 Officer) advised that the plan is to avoid the Budgetary Stabilisation Reserve going into deficit by making appropriate decisions beforehand and that the Member Budget Working Group would assist in investigating ways to save money.  


The Chief Executive added that a critical factor in the budget is Temporary Accommodation pressure, however this is experienced across several Local Authorities. Information was provided on the Housing Benefit subsidy and how if this is altered may help the budget. The current reserve allows Members to take a measured approach rather than being rushed into any decisions.


In response to a query regarding staff costs, it was confirmed this refers to staff pay awards.


Following a query concerning energy prices, the Finance Manager (S151 Officer) advised that all new builds will be low level in energy and there will be high level of investment. Funding is always investigated for decarbonisation.


Councillor K James addressed the Committee and as Chair of the Member Budget Working Group advised of the challenges the Council faces and the work required by the Member Budget Working Group. The Chief Executive advised the Member Budget Working Group did not currently  ...  view the full minutes text for item 299.


Capital Programme 2024/25 - 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 234 KB

To receive the report of the Deputy S151 Officer.

Additional documents:


The Deputy S151 Officer presented the report, the purpose of which was for Members to consider, formulate and recommend updates to the Capital Programme 2024/25 to Full Council.


It was advised that the Capital Programme includes new PIDs (Project Initiation Documents) which require authorisation from members before inclusion.


A slide presentation was delivered.


A brief discussion took place.


Following a query asking why, if the CLT was agreed in 2019, is it now being entered into the Capital Programme, the Deputy S151 Officer advised no applications have been received, however due to the loans being for capital purposes it needs to be formally entered into the Capital Programme and then approved at Full Council.


In response to another query, the Deputy S151 Officer detailed all the budget allocated for capital projects.


It was advised, following queries on certain projects already within the Capital Programme, that the Committee could not alter these and the Committee were to decide on whether the two items in the report should be added to the Capital Programme or not.



It was proposed by Councillor C Hodson, seconded by Councillor T Elliott and –



That the Capital Programme be updated to include:

·         Wyse Thin Client PCs

·         Community Land Trust (CLT) Revolving Loan Fund


(Vote: For – unanimous)


Consideration of the Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To review the Forward Plan.



The forward plan was discussed.


Following a query from Mr S Dengate regarding the items kept under review, the Chair advised he would investigate what had been removed.