Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Town Hall - Bridge Street, Bideford, EX39 2HS. View directions

Contact: Sandra Cawsey  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P Pennington with Councillor D Bushby substituting, and from Councillor D Smith and Helen Smith, Planning Manager with Kris Evely, Development Manager substituting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 253 KB

To receive the Minutes from the meeting held on 7 March 2024.


It was proposed by Councillor C Leather, seconded by Councillor J Whittaker and –




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2024 be agreed and signed as a correct record.


A recorded vote was taken.






Cllr D Bushby



Cllr K Hames




Cllr K Hepple




Cllr C Leather




Cllr R Lock



Cllr H Thomas




Cllr C Wheatley




Cllr J Whittaker





(Vote: For – 6, Against – 0, Abstentions - 2)



Declaration of Interest

Members with interests to declare should refer to the Agenda item and describe the nature of their interest when the item is being considered.


Elected Members of Devon County Council and Town/Parish Councils who have considered a planning application by virtue of their membership of that Council hold a personal interest and are deemed to have considered the application separately and the expressed views of that Council do not bind the Members concerned who consider the application afresh.


The Chair reminded Members to declare their interests when the relevant item was up for discussion.  Declarations of interest were made as indicated below and in accordance with the previously agreed arrangements for “dual-hatted” Members.



Agreement of Agenda between Parts I and II


There were no Part II items.


Urgent Matters

Information to be brought forward with the permission of the Chair.


No urgent matters were brought forward.


Public Participation

The Chair to advise the Committee of any prior requests to speak made by members of the public and to advise of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


The Chair advised the Committee and members of the public of the details in respect of the Council’s public participation scheme.



Planning Applications

The information, recommendations and advice contained in the reports are correct as at the date of preparation which is more than ten days in advance of the Committee meeting.   Due to these time constraints any changes or necessary updates to the reports will be provided in writing or orally at the Committee meeting.




The following Councillors had attended the site visit listed below:



Application No. 1/1234/2023/OUT pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 1no. local needs dwelling - Land At Grid Reference 244532 118754, Monkleigh, Devon


The following Councillors had attended the virtual site visit listed below:


D Bushby, P Hames, K Hepple, C Leather, R Lock, C Wheatley and J Whittaker


The recording was forwarded to Councillors H Thomas and D Smith who did not attend the virtual site visit.


Application No. 1/1234/2023/OUT - Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 1no. local needs dwelling - Land At Grid Reference 244532 118754, Monkleigh, Devon



Interests: None declared


Officer recommendation:      Refuse



The planning application had been called into Plans Committee by Councillor P Pennington, Ward Member for Monkleigh and Putford and states: -


I wish to call this in if the decision maker is minded to refuse the application. The key NDTLP policy is DM24: Rural Settlements. Particularly para 13.133. Housing will be provided to meet local need. The applicants are contributing to the local economy and have had difficulty obtaining their own home.


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed Members of the main planning considerations.


The Chair opened the application to a debate and the Committee were invited to ask questions.


Councillor C Leather started the debate by expressing his opinions on why this application should be granted. He quoted extracts from the NPPF and the Rural Housing Network on how this application complies with certain policies and is a Rural Exception Site and moved a recommendation to grant the application. Councillor K Hepple agreed with the comments made and seconded the recommendation.


The Development Manager clarified points raised concerning garden land and explained how the application would not comply with DM24 as it is in the Countryside and not a rural settlement. He also advised for the application to be granted, evidence of an exceptional need would have to be identified.


Councillor C Leather added to his recommendation that a S106 agreement be added that it is a local need dwelling in perpetuity.

In response to queries, the Development Manager gave policy advice on self-builds, rural exception sites, local needs housing and tied housing. 


It was advised that if Members were minded to tie this then it had to relate to policy and the Development Manager explained the reasons for this. He also advised that due to being outside the rural settlement area, and if approved, there could be a risk of legal implications.


It was proposed by Councillor C Leather, seconded by Councillor K Hepple that the application be granted.


A recorded vote was taken.






Cllr D Bushby



Cllr K Hames




Cllr K Hepple



Cllr C Leather




Cllr R Lock


Cllr H Thomas




Cllr C Wheatley




Cllr J Whittaker





(Vote: For – 7, Against – 1, Abstentions - 0)



That the application be Granted subject to the wording of the conditions being delegated to Officers in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair.


A statement from Councillor P Pennington, Ward Member for Monkleigh and Putford was read out in support of the application.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7a


Application No. 1/1069/2023/FUL pdf icon PDF 297 KB

Change of use of redundant railway buildings to 3no. holiday units with extension to North elevation and relocation of phone kiosk for use as pocket museum and canopy with sign


 - Bideford Station, Station Hill, Bideford.


The following Councillors had attended the virtual site visit listed below:


D Bushby, P Hames, K Hepple, C Leather, R Lock, C Wheatley and J Whittaker


The recording was forwarded to Councillors H Thomas and D Smith who did not attend the virtual site visit.


Application No. 1/1069/2023/FUL - Change of use of redundant railway buildings to 3no. holiday units with extension to North elevation and relocation of phone kiosk for use as pocket museum and canopy with sign


 - Bideford Station, Station Hill, Bideford.



Interests: Councillor H Thomas was pre-determined therefore left the table and took no part in the discussion or vote.


Officer recommendation:      Grant


The planning application had been called in by Councillor H Thomas due to:

-       Concerns over converting a building with such local importance, both from a heritage aspect and also if the railway were ever to be re-opened.

-       Change to roof structure with insertion of patent glass.

-       Platform railings not in keeping.

-       Loss of amenity to general public in terms of access.

-       Lack of ‘public benefits’


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed Members of the main planning considerations.


The Chair opened the application to a debate and the Committee were invited to ask questions.


Further information was provided by the Development Manager and Planning Officer on concerns regarding:

·         Current use of the building

·         Railway line

·         The phone box

·         Materials for the extension/north elevation

·         Visual impact - solar panel and roof light

·         Waste collection

·         Parking

·         Access entrance to the site from the busy main road


During the debate Members expressed their views and it became apparent that most Members were in support of the application.


The Planning Officer advised that following the re-consultation of this application no objections had been received.


It was proposed by Councillor C Leather, seconded by Councillor K Hepple that the application be granted.


A recorded vote was taken.






Cllr D Bushby



Cllr K Hames



Cllr K Hepple



Cllr C Leather




Cllr R Lock



Cllr H Thomas



Cllr C Wheatley




Cllr J Whittaker





(Vote: For – 6, Against – 1, Abstentions - 0)



That the application be Granted.


Councillor H Thomas, Ward Member for Bideford East, spoke against the application.

Jerry Kent, agent, spoke in support of the application.

Richard Brend, applicant, spoke in support of the application.



Application No. 1/0092/2024/OUT pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Outline application for 1no. local needs dwelling with all matters reserved - Building And Land At Grid Reference 241585 113902, Newton St Petrock, Devon.


The following Councillors had attended the virtual site visit listed below:


D Bushby, P Hames, K Hepple, C Leather, R Lock, C Wheatley and J Whittaker


The recording was forwarded to Councillors H Thomas and D Smith who did not attend the virtual site visit.


Application No. 1/0092/2024/OUT - Outline application for 1no. local needs dwelling with all matters reserved - Building And Land At Grid Reference 241585 113902, Newton St Petrock, Devon.


Interests: None declared


Officer recommendation:      Refuse



The planning application had been called into Plans Committee by Councillor C Cottle-Hunkin, Ward Member for Shebbear and Langtree and states: -


I am calling in the decision in support of this application because it is for a local need. The young couple grew up in Newton St Petrock and would now like to raise their family in the same community, around a support network of other family members.


The location of the proposed dwelling is not in the open countryside but would fit in well adjoining a small settlement of properties at Newton St Petrock Cross. There is a small derelict shed currently on the site which would be removed as part of the application.


The location is also perfect for them in terms of school transport as it is on the pre-existing bus routes to the local primary and secondary schools which the children would attend, as well as having a public bus stop nearby.


The applicants are both working parents, with Mr Davey running his own carpentry business and both work locally providing for the community. This is a great opportunity  for them to build their family home together and I believe as a Council we should be supporting this type of application and opportunities which really help build our communities and help young people thrive.


The Planning Officer presented the report and informed Members of the main planning considerations.


The Chair opened the application to a debate and the Committee were invited to ask questions.


Councillor C Leather started the debate and moved to approve the application; Councillor K Hepple seconded the recommendation.


In response to a query, the Development Manager provided clarification on the Rural Exception site policy and the distance to services.


Throughout the meeting comments were made for the need of the new Local Plan. 


Conditions were discussed and it was agreed, if the application were approved, that conditions would be delegated to officers in conjunction with the Chair and Vice-Chair.


Consideration to the size and scale of the property would be discussed at the  reserves matters stage.


It was proposed by Councillor C Leather, seconded by Councillor K Hepple that the application be granted subject to the wording of the conditions being delegated to Officers in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair.



A recorded vote was taken.






Cllr D Bushby



Cllr K Hames




Cllr K Hepple



Cllr C Leather




Cllr R Lock



Cllr H Thomas




Cllr C Wheatley




Cllr J  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7c


Appeal Decisions Summary pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Appeal Decision Summary and Reports of Planning Inspectorate




Appeal Decision – App. No. 1/0874/2022/OUT

Appeal Decision – App. No. 1/0733/2022/LBC

Appeal Decision – App. No. 1/0020/2023/FUL

Appeal Decision - App. No. 1/0214/2023/AGR


Additional documents:


The Committee noted the Appeal Decisions.



Costs on Appeals pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Cost Decision 3327058 and 3320230

Additional documents:


The Costs on appeals were noted.


Delegated Decisions - AGMB Applications pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Decision 220.02.2024 – 28.03.2024.


The Committee noted the Delegated Decisions.



Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 108 KB

List of Delegated Planning Decisions, Consultee Abbreviations and Application Types enclosed 22.02.2024 to 28.03.2024.





That the Planning decisions for the period 22.02.2024 – 28.03.2024 be noted.



Exclusion of Public

The Chair to move:-


That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting because of the likely disclosure of exempt information by virtue of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Part II - Closed Session

There are no Part II items.