Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: North Devon Crematorium - North Devon Crematorium. View directions

No. Item


Agenda pdf icon PDF 119 KB



A virtual meeting of the above Committee will be held on FRIDAY 6th NOVEMBER 2020 AT 2.30 p.m.


Members:       Representing North Devon Council


Councillors Bulled, Cann (Vice Chairman), Davis, Gubb, Lovering, Phillips and Walker


                        Representing Torridge District Council


Councillors Christie, Gubb, Harding, A. Inch (Chairman) and Pennington.




1.         Apologies for Absence.


2.         To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7th August

            2020 (attached).


            (a)       Matters Arising


3.         Items brought forward which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered by the meeting as a matter of urgency.


4.         Declarations of Interest.


5.         To agree the agenda between Part ‘A’ and Part ‘B’ (Confidential Restricted Information).




6.         Crematorium Matters. Report by the Crematorium Manager (attached)


7.         Performance Monitoring Quarter 2 2020/21. Report by Treasurer (attached)


8.         Proposed dates of Future meetings 2021/2022


            Recommended that the following dates be agreed:


            Friday 11th June 2021 @ 2.30 p.m.

Friday 6th August 2021 @ 2.30 p.m.

Friday 5th November 2021 @ 2.30 p.m.

            Friday 4th February 2022 @ 2.30 p.m.


9.         To note that the next virtual Crematorium Joint Committee meeting will be on Friday 5th February 2021 @ 2.30 p.m..



PART ‘B’ (Confidential/Restricted Information)






NOTE:  Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985


In addition to any document specifically mentioned, reports included in this Agenda will have been prepared with reference to any or all of the following:


1.         All relevant statutory provisions.

2.         All relevant Government circulars and ministerial advice.

3.         All relevant adopted policies of the Council.

4.         Capital Works Programme.

5.         Current Estimates.

6.         Standing Orders

7.         Consultants’ opinion and advice.

8.         Published works relevant to the subject of the report.



Additional documents:




Minutes of a virtual meeting of the NORTH DEVON CREMATORIUM JOINT COMMITTEE held on Friday 6th November 2020 at 2.30 p.m.


Present:         Representing North Devon District Council


Councillors Cann, Davis, Y.Gubb and Phillips


                        Representing Torridge District Council


Councillors Christie, J.Gubb, Inch (Chairman) and Pennington




Crematorium Manager, Treasurer, Secretary and Accountant.


(a)       APOLOGIES


Apologies were received from Councillor Lovering


(b)       MINUTES


(i)         RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 7th August 2020 (previously circulated) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


(ii)        Matters Arising – There were no matters arising




There were no declarations of interest declared




The Joint Committee considered a report by the Crematorium Manager (previously circulated).


i)          Solar Panels


It was noted that the North Devon Council surveyor working on Crematorium projects had left the authority and that this would cause delays in investigating this and other projects.


ii)         Covid Crisis Update


It was noted:


a)    That the number of mourners was now set at 30 (statutory limit) which was unlikely to change in the near future.


b)    That Post-funeral events are limited to 15 people with a local decision that a maximum of 6 people are allowed for a witnessed burial of ashes (restrictions due to narrow paths).


c)    That Government legislation in early October allowed a person confirmed as having the Covid19 virus to travel to attend the funeral of a close relative. Following legal advice and having consulted with the Joint Committee chair, it was decided to decline access to the crematorium as it severely breached the entire safety regime of the site and placed the staff and elderly mourners in particular at great risk.


d)    That Screens had been added to the lectern and stand-alone (family eulogy) microphone to enhance the protection afforded by the current 2-metre distancing.


e)    That some internal staff distancing measures had also been introduced (additional computer, moving a shared printer, an additional rest room) to ensure that in the event a staff member tests positive the entire team would not be required to self-isolate.


f)     That currently any second wave was expected to peak in January/February, but the projected ‘reasonable worst case’ projections were comfortably within the crematorium’s capacity.


g)    That the crematorium had not had any Covid related funerals for over 20 weeks.


iii)        Achievements


That an entire site/building survey was being conducted in mid-November for the first time since 1966. This would assist with any future works.


iv)        Metals Recycling Charity Award


That Clarity had been nominated for the next award (January 2021) as

previously reported.


Subsequent nomination list:


Calvert Trust

Over and Above (Cancer & Wellbeing Centre)

Families in Grief

North Devon Children’s Holiday Foundation

North Devon Hospice


Children’s Hospice SW

Over and Above (North Devon Hospital – Maternity Unit Bereavement Suite)



That no further additions would be considered prior to February 2022.


v)         Crematorium Figures


The Cremation figures were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.