Agenda and draft minutes

No. Item



To receive the report of the Lead Licensing Officer.


The Chair opened the meeting, introducing the Licensing Sub-committee Members and Torridge District Council staff present.  He advised that the hearing had been convened to consider an application for a variation to premises licence – The Silk Lounge, 6 Cooper St, Bideford.


The Councillors present declared that they had no personal or pecuniary interest in the application.


The Chair asked the applicant and the objectors to identify themselves.


The procedure for the hearing was explained and the Lead Licensing Officer was invited to present his report.


The Lead Licensing Officer presented information relating to an extension of current hours for the supply of alcohol; extended opening hours on Friday and Saturday; the supply of alcohol, live and recorded music in external area on Monday to Sunday from 12:00 to 23:00 and the removal of all existing conditions of licence and replacement with new conditions.


The Lead Licensing Officer advised that no representations had been received from the responsible authorities but there had been 2 letters of objection. 


The panel was reminded of the 4 licensing objectives


The Committee was guided to consider whether:


·      To grant the application as submitted

·      To modify timings and/or the conditions of the licence to the extent necessary to promote the licensing objectives

·      To reject all or part of the application.


The Chair thanked the Lead Licensing Officer for his report.  There were no questions for the Lead Licensing Officer.


The applicant was invited to make his submission. 


The applicant outlined the current licensing hours and usage of the premises.  Currently the outside of the premises was not used.  The application sought to:


1.  Extend current hours for the supply of alcohol, recorded music and late night refreshment on Friday and Saturday to 02:00. (Currently 01:00).

2.  Extend opening hours on Friday and Saturday to 02:30. (Currently 01:30).

3.  To permit supply of alcohol, live and recorded music in external area on Monday to Sunday from 12:00 to 23:00. (Currently the outside area is not licenced and the rear garden is not used.)


Responding to the objections Mr Allan confirmed that the Silk Lounge has a maximum capacity of 70 people.  He elaborated on the application to supply alcohol, live and recorded music in the external area, explaining that there were no plans to open 7 days a week - this was just a practicality to save having to apply for a temporary licence any time they wished to stage a special event.  He added that no complaints had been received following the 2 events which had taken place in August and November.  For clarity, he confirmed that the previous application had been withdrawn, not rejected.


Moving forward, he declared that management and staff are approachable and urged the public to talk to them if there were any problems.


The Chair invited the objectors to make their representations.


Mrs Millar addressed the panel, speaking also on behalf of her husband.  She stated that the playing of loud music outside the Silk Lounge had had a significant  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.