Venue: Caddsdown Business Support Centre, Clovelly Road, Bideford
Contact: Dem. Services Tel: 01237 428705
No. | Item |
The Big Sheep - Variation Application PDF 296 KB To receive the report of the Lead Licensing Officer. Additional documents:
The Chair opened the meeting, introducing the Licensing Sub-committee Members and Torridge District Council staff present. He advised that the hearing had been convened to consider an application for a variation to premises licence – The Big Sheep, Abbotsham, Bideford.
The Councillors present declared that they had no personal or pecuniary interest in the application.
The Chair asked the applicant and the objectors to identify themselves.
The procedure for the hearing was explained and the Lead Licensing Officer was invited to present his report.
The Lead Licensing Officer presented the report in detail and advised that four further submissions to the application had been received, two in support and two objecting. The applicant and objectors were asked if they had any reservations to the additional submissions being included in the application to which there were no objections.
A map of the area had been provided to the panel for location and proximity.
The Noise Management Plan supplement had been circulated to the panel prior to the meeting.
20 objections had been received.
The Committee was guided to consider whether:
· To grant the application as submitted · To modify timings and/or the conditions of the licence to the extent necessary to promote the licensing objectives. · To reject all or part of the application.
The Chair thanked the Lead Licensing Officer for his report. There were no questions for the Lead Licensing Officer.
The applicant was invited to make his submission.
The applicant elaborated how over the last 12 months he had received advice and support from other local businesses to be able to host events, had worked with schools and churches and that the Big Sheep were the first in the country to provide a COVID safe concert. He advised how he had been working with the locals regarding the noise levels and is willing to continue that work. Acoustics Consultants had been employed to check that noise levels are within the guidelines.
In response to queries from the panel the applicant advised the following:
· Events had never run until 10pm and even though this is in the application the intention would be to finish earlier. · He had dealt with complaints and queries from residents. He is open for people to contact him direct, any time, having given out his personal details. · He had walked around the nearby housing estates to meet people to address any concerns. · Takes it personally as it is in his interest to work with residents as these are his customers as well. · Measures he had gone to dampen the noise. · If noise levels are still too high this can be looked at going forward as it is not his intention to disturb people. · He is working within the guidelines.
The objectors were invited to ask the applicant questions.
Responding to the objectors’ questions Mr Turner advised he had not been repeatedly asked to reduce the noise levels, levels will be within ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |