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No. | Item |
Application for a Premises Licence - The Cabin, 12A South Street, Torrington PDF 205 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair opened the meeting, introducing the Licensing Sub-Committee Members and Torridge District Council staff present. He advised that the hearing had been convened to consider an application for a premises licence – The Cabin, South Street, Torrington.
The Councillors present declared they had no personal or prejudicial interests in the application.
The Environmental Health and Licensing Team Leader arrived at 10.15am.
The Chair asked the applicant to identify himself along with any representatives and witnesses.
The Lead Licensing Officer confirmed there were no responsible authorities present.
The Chair asked the objectors to identify themselves.
The three objectors identified themselves confirming they all wished to speak and their objection was personal.
The Chair explained the procedure and purpose of the hearing.
The Lead Licensing was invited to present the report, the purpose of which was to provide the Sub-Committee with information relating to an application for a premises licence for The Cabin, 12A South Street, Torrington to enable the sub-Committee to determine the application.
The Chair thanked the Lead Licensing Officer for his report.
The applicant and his representatives were invited to put forward their case.
Mr C Ayres was the first witness to address the Sub-Committee advising he and his wife live in Torrington. He had been through the objections and refuted many of the comments saying they were exaggerated and false and personally attacked the applicant. He indicated how the hospitality industry had suffered over the last couple of years and thought this new venue would be good for Torrington. He stated how the applicant was the ideal candidate to run this venue. Even though there has been no trouble with the events already held the licence would monitor activity and rules would be abided. Mitigation would be offered regarding rubbish concerns. He stressed that the applicant had no access to the rear entrance and there was a need to work together with residents as Torrington town needs this.
The second witness to address the Sub-Committee was Mr J Wilton-Love who re-iterated everything Mr C Ayres had said. He added that he has an autistic son who struggles with people and noise but feels comfortable attending this venue due to the nice environment created.
The applicant’s representative Mr B Conrad had nothing to add however did state that the applicant was good for the job and the venue was good for the town.
There were no questions from the panel.
The Chair invited the objectors to make their representation.
The first objector to address the Sub-Committee was Mr I King who detailed the concerns he had with the application which included: · The venue is too small; · Noise nuisance was a massive concern; · The venue shares a door with a food establishment that is accessible by children until 10pm at night which would subject children to customers who had been drinking; · Disturbance to their autistic children who potential would end up missing school due to tiredness; · The mess and rubbish left behind by customers; · The application would be breached; ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |