Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Town Hall - Bridge Street, Bideford, EX39 2HS. View directions

Contact: Kirsty Brown  Email:

No. Item



To receive the report of the Lead Licensing Officer


Additional documents:


The Chair opened the meeting, introducing the Licensing sub-Committee Members. He advised that the hearing had been convened to consider an application for a premises licence – Honey Meadow Retreat. 


The Councillors present declared they had no personal or prejudicial interests in the application.


The Lead Licensing Officer introduced all officers present.


The Chair invited the applicant to introduce herself along with any representatives and witnesses.


The Chair requested that the objectors identified themselves.


All four objectors confirmed their names, addresses and advised the panel they all wished to speak, and their objections were personal.


The Chair explained the procedure and purpose of the hearing.


The Lead Licensing Officer presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide the sub-Committee with information relating to an application for a premises licence for Honey Meadow Retreat to enable the sub-Committee to determine the application.


The Chair thanked the Lead Licensing Officer for his report and asked the panel if they had any questions for the Lead Licensing Officer.


There were no questions from the panel.


The applicant and representatives were invited to put forward their case.


Ms H Wilson addressed the panel and explained in detail how and when the business operates and gave an overview of the service she provided. She explained how the business contributes to the local community and is sustainable. Ms H Wilson admitted two incidences of disturbance had occurred and has since been addressed. Alterations had been made to mitigate issues re-occurring. She advised she had purchased a sound monitoring machine and was seeking the help of a sound engineer to tackle issues and gain experience for future events.


Ms H Wilson advised she would be happy for the licence to be granted for Friday and Saturday and further conditions to be applied if the panel felt the need.   


Mr T Wilson addressed the panel and presented them with a map to give them a better understanding of the area and people affected. He added that in his opinion there were four main issues which included opening hours, environmental impact, traffic and noise.


The location of the car park for events was explained and Ms H Wilson confirmed she is aiming for parking to be on her property for 2025.


Councillor S Newton clarified the comments made in his statement within the report.


Following a question from Councillor P Hacket, Ms H Wilson confirmed the number of events for this year and detailed the sound readings she had obtained around the local area.


Ms H Wilson advised currently no music is allowed after 11pm and there is a curfew in place.


Concern was raised by the Chair surrounding the impact of fireworks. Mrs H Wilson confirmed both fireworks and clay pigeon shooting were not permitted at her events.


In response to a query from the Chair, the Lead Licensing Officer confirmed the licence would be transferable if the property were sold.


The Chair invited the objectors to make their representation.


The first objector to address the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.