Agenda item

To receive the report of the Finance Manager (S151 Officer).


The purpose of the report was to update members on the financial position as at the end of December 2020.    Slide presentations were received from the Service Improvement Officer and the Interim Section 151 Officer.


The Service Improvement Officer presented a summary of the highlights of QBR 3:


Goal 1 - Prosperous and Sustainable Economy


ü  Lockdown 2 - speedy payment of government grants to support local business

ü  99.5% of invoices paid on time

ü  Approval granted for the Northam Burrows centre (worked started in January 2021)

ü  A Moorings & Facilities Policy was adopted by the Council

      X  Future High Street Fund Bid was unsuccessful


Goal 2 – Safer, Stronger, Healthier Communities


ü  TDC worked with the HSE to contact local businesses to make sure they were Coronavirus secure

ü  Housing Options maintained high level of service during lockdown to prevent homelessness

ü  Full Council decided that a comprehensive review/update of the Local Plan be undertaken

      X  Low numbers regarding the delivery of new homes/affordable homes

      X  Low numbers of properties added to the Council Tax database


Goal 3 – Protecting & Enhancing our Quality Environment


ü  Waste and recycling collections continued during lockdown

ü  Strong recycling levels maintained (55.4%) mainly due to increased collection of glass/cardboard

üRapid response to container being washed ashore at Bucks Mill minimised any adverse environmentalimpact on our coastline

ü  The first phase of enhanced sea defences at Westward Ho! Completed in December


Goal 4 – Effective Customer Focused Council

ü  Council officers handled high levels of incoming work volumes across a range of services (website, email and telephone traffic) to maintain high levels of customer service

ü  Despite increasing work volumes, we saw excellent turnaround times for planning applications

ü  Reduced sickness levels!

X     Turnaround times for Local Land Charge searches increased (but the additional allocation of resources has now brought this back under control)

X     Reduction in Council Tax and Business rate collection levels due to Covid-19

The Finance Manager & s151 Officer updated Members on the financial position as at the end of December 2020.


The key points highlighted included:


·         Projected Surplus had improved by £443k

·         Covid-19 and in particular Central Government response to it had led to increased financial volatility

·         In light of financial volatility recommended that the decision regarding utilisation of the projected surplus for 2020/21 is deferred until the accounts are closed


The Head of Communities & Place responded to an enquiry from Mr Harper in relation to the Future High Street Fund. He explained why the bid had been unsuccessful.  Consideration is now being given to other funding, such as the Levelling Up Fund and Officers are in discussion with the MP regarding this.   In terms of this funding, the MP will need to support any bid put forward by the Council.    Prior to any bid being submitted, a report will be presented to Full Council.


It was proposed by Councillor Newton, seconded by Councillor Watson and –


Recommended to Community & Resources Committee:


That in light of the continuing financial uncertainty, that any decision regarding usage of the 2020/21 surplus is deferred until the outturn for the current financial year is known.


A recorded vote was taken.






Cllr Boughton, R




Cllr Cottle-Hunkin, C



Mr S Dengate




Cllr Gubb, J




Cllr Hames, P




Mr I Harper




Cllr C Hawkins



Cllr Inch, A



Cllr Langford, S




Cllr Manley, J




Cllr Newton, S




Cllr Watson, P





(Vote:  For – Unanimous)


Supporting documents: