Development of 38 dwellings together with access, car parking and associated works - Land Opposite Landon Road Industrial Estate, Bradworthy, Devon
Application No. 1/0128/2020/FULM - Development of 38 dwellings together with access, car parking and associated works - Land Opposite Landon Road Industrial Estate, Bradworthy, Devon
Interests: None
Officer recommendation: Grant subject to a Section 106 Agreement
The planning application had been called into Plans Committee by Councillor Boughton if the Officer recommendation is for approval, for the same reasons as those outlined in the response from Bradworthy Parish Council.
Prior to the presentation Members were informed of the following updates:
- Viability: Increased Affordable Housing provision on site, inclusion of
Biodiversity Net Gain off-site contribution and revised contribution for off-site affordable housing;
- Discussions with Ward Members and Chair of Parish Council in relation to Biodiversity Net Gain contribution;
- Update to Ward Members in relation to Heads of Terms to Section 106;
- Clarification of the proposed use of the NHS contribution towards expanding the GP provision at Bradworthy Surgery
The application had previously been considered by Plans Committee on 10 March 2022, when Members resolved to defer the application for clarification of the viability report, Ward Councillor involvement in the Section 106 Heads of Terms and discussions relating to the biodiversity offsetting contribution.
The Principal Planning Officer presented the report and advised Members of the main planning considerations.
During the discussions, concerns/comments made included the following:
· S106 contribution to Bradworthy Surgery – the contribution towards an additional consulting room was an insignificant amount and the S106 monies should pay for the whole of the consulting room.
· Viability Study – concern over using bench mark figures and being unaware of what was actually paid for the land. The Planning Manager explained the District Valuers Office have adopted the land bench mark methodology – it is a tested approach.
· Biodiversity net gain – no benefit to Bradworthy. The Principal Planning Officer explained this matter had been discussed at length with others, and it had been agreed the requirements are onerous and the Parish Council are not in a position to undertake this. The Bisophere have identified projects which can provide the right type of habitat and the requirement for long term maintenance and management of that site.
· S106 contributions - The Principal Planning Officer clarified the position regarding the contribution for affordable housing.
The Planning Manager gave advice in relation to the renegotiation of S106 Agreements.
It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Watson that the application be approved.
A recorded vote be taken.
Councillor |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Cllr M Brown |
X |
Cllr P Christie |
X |
Cllr R Craigie |
X |
Cllr C Leather |
X |
Cllr D McGeough |
X |
Cllr S Newton |
X |
Cllr P Watson |
X |
Cllr R Wiseman |
X |
(Vote: For 6, Against 2)
Councillor Harding was not present when the vote was taken
That the application be Granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report.
Sue Lander on behalf of the Parish Council addressed the Committee objecting to the application
Councillor Dart, Ward Member, addressed the Committee
Supporting documents: