Agenda item

Proposed erection of dwelling (Resubmission of 1/0821/2021/FUL) (amended plans & tree survey) - Breckon, Parkham, Bideford


The following Councillors had attended the virtual site visit listed below:


Councillors: M Brown, P Christie, R Craigie, C Leather, S Newton, P Watson and R Wiseman



Application No. 1/0171/2022/FUL - Proposed erection of dwelling (Resubmission of 1/0821/2021/FUL) (amended plans & tree survey) - Breckon, Parkham, Bideford.


Interests:   None


Officer recommendation:       Grant



The planning application had been called into Plans Committee by Councillor Dart if the Officer is minded to recommend approval, for the following reasons:


1.    It would be in extremely close proximity to the neighbouring property

2.    The driveway appears to have a very poor narrow access and may affect the neighbouring property’s boundary trees

3.    There is very limited parking and turning within the site considering the

property is 3 bedrooms

4.    There is a sewer pipe running under a portion of the proposed development

5.    The property could be construed as too large for the site it is on



The Planning Officer presented the report and informed Members of the main planning considerations.


The key issues raised during the discussion included:


·         Drainage system – Members queried whether the system was in the ownership of South West Water as it is situated on private land and South West Water only take responsibility when connected to the main drain.


·         Members commented it was unreasonable for the neighbouring property, the Moorings, to have their garden dug up for the benefit of their neighbours.


·         Devon County Highways response of “no problem” - Councillor Christie had concerns with the response as it is a narrow road coming out onto a busy road and the lack of visibility because of a high bush on the drive of the neighbouring property.   The Planning Officer addressed this concern.


·         Tree Survey – tree roots should not be affected by this development.  As a number of the trees are ornamental, the Planning Manager stated they would not be protected.


·         Overdevelopment of the site.


Councillor Watson proposed approving the application but later withdrew his motion.


It became evident that some Members were looking to refuse the application, and for this reason the Planning Manager advised that robust refusal reasons would be required, together with the relevant policies.


It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Newton that the application be deferred for further information on the drainage and tree survey.     Following further discuss this motion was withdrawn.


It was proposed by Councillor Craigie, seconded by Councillor Christie that the application be refused for the following reasons:


·         Overdevelopment


A recorded vote be taken.






Cllr R Boughton




Cllr M Brown




Cllr P Christie




Cllr R Craigie




Cllr S Harding




Cllr C Leather




Cllr R Lock




Cllr D McGeough




Cllr S Newton




Cllr P Watson




Cllr R Wiseman





(Vote:  For 5, Against 4)




That the application be refused for the reasons as stated above.



D Butterworth addressed the Committee objecting to the application

A Omer on behalf of Mrs Butterworth addressed the Committee objecting to the application

A Vickery, Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application

Councillor Dart, Ward Member, addressed the Committee




In accordance with the Council Constitution it was proposed, seconded and –




That in view of the fact that 3 hours had elapsed since the meeting had commenced, that the meeting should continue.


(Vote:  For – Unanimous)


Supporting documents: