Agenda item

To receive the report of the Chief Executive and Leader


The Chief Executive explained that a report had been brought to Members to update them on the Provision of Housing Project; our Homelessness provision and grant/funding opportunities and for Members to decide the next steps.


A slide presentation was given which highlighted the key elements of the report.


The following issues/concerns were raised during the debate:


·         Councillor Christie referred to the LAH1 – Afghan & Ukraine Fund – and the condition of the scheme to provide a four bed property.  The Major Project Manager advised that Officers have looked at properties in and around the Bideford area specifically to meet the Grant requirements that are stipulated for a 4 bed property and without excessive work but also has reasonable environmental standards and low running costs for the end user.


·         Ward Member views had only been asked for Pynes Lane.  Ward Member views had not been asked for the other sites. The Chief Executive explained that a project for the other sites had not yet been developed and Officers are currently only identifying the one site.   A report will need to be brought back once looking to develop.   Councillor Bushby advised that when a Plan is put forward, Ward Members will be consulted.


Following an enquiry from Councillor Lock, the Chief Executive explained that because of the work being undertaken at Sully House, it would not be safe to occupy the modular units situated on that site at this time.  They are ready to be occupied as soon as the work is complete on Sully House.


Councillor Cottle-Hunkin proposed the following amendment:


“That the Council put out a request to Landowners to come forward with potential land for Community Land Trust, for consideration”.


Following comments/advice from Councillor Newton, Councillor Cottle-Hunkin withdrew her amendment.


It was proposed by Councillor Brenton, seconded by Councillor James and –




Provision of Housing Project:

A          That Officers be authorised to focus on the five sites that have been ranked and assessed as green (phase 1) in the report.  The sites are:


·         Pynes Lane Garages, Bideford (High View)

·         Land at the Crescent, Langtree

·         Garages, Tuckers Park, Bradworthy

·         Jackets Lane, Northam

·         Land at Cleave Wood, Bideford East

B          That Officers be authorised to focus on the sites ranked and assessed as amber (phase 2) in the report on conclusion of the sites in A (above).  The sites are:


·         Windmill Lane Officer and Car Park, Northam

·         End of Ethelwynne Brown Close, Bideford

C         That Officers be authorised not to progress the sites ranked and

assessed as red in the report.   The sites are:


·         Bone Hill Car Park, Northam

·         Part of South Street Car Park, Great Torrington

·         Land at Cliveden Road, Bideford East

·         Springfield Car Park, Chanters Road, Bideford

D         That the submission of a planning application for the siting of modular

units on the Pynes Lane (High View) site be approved

E         That the submission of a planning application for the siting of modular

units for any of the other sites as authorised in “A” (with the exception of Cleave Wood which has outline planning permission and a receipt is included in the MTFP) above should funding become available

Investment with Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - RSAP

F          That 6 temporary accommodation modular units by match funding the

£500k contribution from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities plus an additional 5% contingency, taking the total cost of the project to £1.05m be provided. The Council’s contribution being funded from the identified reserves, and utilisation of available capital reserves.



Local Government Housing Fund 1


G         That the grant of £481K and match fund with £721K (60%) plus a 5%

contingency, to provide three modular properties and a four-bedroom property be accepted. The total cost of the project is £1.26m, the council’s contribution being funded from the identified reserves, and utilisation of available capital reserves.


Capital Programme

H         That £2.311m be added to the Capital programme for the 6 modular

units at Pynes Lane, 3 modular units at Sully house and a 4-bed property to be purchased from the local market.  To be funded by a £500K grant (RSAP), a £481K grant (LAHF1), £80K grant (BLRF – TBC), £839K of identified reserves (including £293K from the 22/23 surplus) and £411K from general capital reserves.

(Vote:  For 29, Abstentions 2)

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