Outline application for 3 no. dwellings with all matters reserved except access - Lakenham Residential Care Home, Lakenham Hill, Northam.
The following Councillors had attended the site visit listed below:
Councillors: R Lock, P Hames, K Hepple, J Whittaker, P Pennington and
C Leather
Application No. 1/0647/2023/OUT - Outline application for 3no. dwellings with all matters reserved except access - Lakenham Residential Care Home, Lakenham Hill, Northam
Interests: Councillors Hames, Whittaker and Leather declared personal interests – dual hatted – Northam Town Council
Officer recommendation: Grant
The planning application had been called into Plans Committee by the Ward Member Councillor Lo-Vel if minded to approve, for the following reason:
“Access: the proposed development uses the existing driveway, parking and garages for the Residential home to service the new properties in site. This would leave the Residential home with its nineteen residents, visitors and staff with no option but to park on the already congested nearby roads”.
Prior to the presentation, Members were informed of the following updates:
Further drainage information has been submitted and Environmental Protection have been consulted and have stated the following:
“The Environmental Protection Team has no objection to the proposal although it would be prudent to seek advice from Building Control in relation to the separation distances and required capacity”.
Amendments to Conditions should Members approve the application:
Condition 11 – Officers recommend the Arboricultural Assessment and Tree Protection Plan be updated as part of the detailed proposals.
Condition 3 – Access – requires compliance with the Plans and Plans Schedule. This is an Outline application therefore there are no Plans for consideration other than a Location Plan which is listed on the Schedule and an Indicative Site Plan showing point of access also listed on the Plans Schedule. To amend Condition to indicate that the Plan is only included to show the point of vehicular access.
Condition 8 – also refers to the Site Plan. It was clarified that vehicular access is just from Tadworthy Road and not Lakenham Hill. Condition to be amended if application approved.
In the absence of the Development Management Team Leader, the Planning Manager presented the report and informed Members of the main planning considerations.
During the discussion the following matters/concerns raised included:
· Conflicting opinions as to whether or not it is a windfall site.
· It is a green site that separates parts of Westward Ho! and Northam.
· Given the number of large houses being built on the neighbouring site, there is not a need for more large houses.
· Serious overlooking issue.
· Impact on designated asset, Lakenham House.
· Impact on the amenity of the existing dwelling on the edge of the site.
· No archaeology report. It was confirmed by the Planning Manager that there have been no archaeological investigations associated with this application. Although no comment had been received from the Senior Historic Archaeologist at Devon County Council, the standard Archaeology Condition could be applied if required by Members.
· The proposal will improve the appearance of the gardens.
· Future protection for the residents of the Care Home.
Advice and clarification on planning matters was given by the Planning Manager throughout the debate.
It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Lock that the application be approved.
A recorded vote was taken.
Councillor |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Cllr D Bushby |
X |
Cllr K Hames |
X |
Cllr K Hepple |
X |
Cllr C Leather |
X |
Cllr R Lock |
X |
Cllr P Pennington |
X |
Cllr D Smith |
X |
Cllr C Wheatley |
X |
Cllr J Whittaker |
X |
(Vote: For 7, Against 2)
That the application be Granted subject to the Conditions as set out in the report, amendments to Conditions 3, 8 and 11 as set out above and additional Archaeological Conditions.
Richard Hall addressed the Committee objecting to the application.
Supporting documents: