Mixed use redevelopment providing residential units, commercial units (Class E) with public open space, car parking, and associated landscaping, removal of hardstanding, ground preparation and infrastructure works. - Land At And Adjacent To Brunswick Wharf, Barnstaple Street, East-the-Water
The following Councillors had attended the virtual site visit:
Councillors: R Lock, K Hepple, J Whittaker, D Bushby, P Hames, C Leather, H Thomas, D Smith and C Wheatley
Application No. 1/0295/2024/FULM - Mixed use redevelopment providing residential units, commercial units (Class E) with public open space, car parking, and associated landscaping, removal of hardstanding, ground preparation and infrastructure works. - Land at and Adjacent To Brunswick Wharf, Barnstaple Street, East-the-Water
Interests: Councillor Thomas declared a personal interest – received sponsorship monies from the applicant for a charity event he is organising.
Officer recommendation: Grant
The planning application had been referred to Plans Committee because it involves land within the ownership of Torridge District Council.
Prior to the commencement of the Presentation, the following verbal updates were given:
“The following additional plans were omitted from the Schedule. Should the application be approved, they will need to be included on the Decision Notice:
· Flood Risk Assessment Existing Site Layout (ref. 11211 – FRA1 P1)
· Flood Risk Assessment Proposed Site Layout Impermeable Areas (ref. 11211 – FRA2 P2)
· Total Defence Strategy (ref. 11211 – FRA 3A P6)
· Proposed Drainage Strategy (ref. 11211 – FRA 3B P4)
· Pedestrian and Vehicular Evacuation Route (ref. 11211 – FEP1 P3)
· Flood Risk Assessment Exceedance Routes (ref. 11211 – FRA4 P2)
· Access Arrangement Key Plan (ref. 10124/200 Revision D)
· Access Arrangements Details Sheet 1 (ref. 10124-201 Revision C)
· Access Arrangements Details Sheet 2 (ref. 10124-202 Revision C)
An Additional Condition recommended by the Environment Agency relating to a detailed scheme for ventilation openings.
Amended wording to the current Condition 7 – updated wording – seeks detailed design for resistant resilient measures.
The Agent and Applicant requested minor amendments to the draft Conditions. The Planning Manager asked that should Members be minded to approve, delegated authority be given to Officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to make such amendments.
The Planning Manager presented the report and informed Members of the main planning considerations.
Although the Committee acknowledged the amended scheme was an improvement on the extant permission, the following comments/concerns were raised and addressed by Officers:
· Cyclepath does not link up with the Tarka Trail and concerns with tree pits in the middle of the cycleway. The Planning Manager reported that the proposed scheme is supported by Highways and does provide cycling and walking pedestrian access to the frontage of the site
· Impact on the Listed Buildings along Barnstaple Street
· No provision for EV charging within the site
· Viability – no S106 funding to the infrastructure of the area. The Planning Manager explained that Officers are increasingly seeing significant costs on a site such as this – examples of sites that could not reach viability was given.
· Loss of parking spaces particularly during construction – there is a requirement for a Phasing Plan to confirm how the site will be developed.
Councillor Bushby suggested imposing a Bond Condition to ensure the development is completed. The Planning Manager said the imposition of such a condition would not be encouraged and explained the reason for this.
The Devon County Highways Officer addressed all concerns relating to Highway issues.
Members recognized it is a difficult site to develop and were pleased to see the close working between Officers and the Developers.
It was proposed by Councillor Leather, seconded by Councillor Hepple that the application be approved.
A recorded vote was taken.
Councillor |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
Cllr K Hames |
X |
Cllr K Hepple |
X |
Cllr C Leather |
X |
Cllr R Lock |
X |
Cllr D Bushby |
X |
Cllr D Smith |
X |
Cllr H Thomas |
X |
Cllr C Wheatley |
X |
Cllr J Whittaker |
X |
(Vote: For 7, Against 2)
That the application be Granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report, additional plans as stated above, an additional condition recommended by the Environment Agency and amended wording to Condition 7. Delegated Authority be given to Officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair to make minor amendments to the conditions as requested by the Agent and Applicant.
Mr P Jones, Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application
Mr S Friend, Applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application
Councillor T Tinsley, Adjacent Ward Member, addressed the Committee
Supporting documents: