To receive the report of the Strategic Manager (Resources).
That allocating the resources to the various reserves as identified in the report be approved.
The Strategic Manager (Resources) presented the report, the purpose of which was for Members to decide how to allocate the surplus generated during 2018-19 and to note the draft statement of accounts for 2018-19.
The following reserves, identified in the report, were presented and debated individually:
Planned Maintenance - £100k
An amendment to the report – to state “upgrade the lifts at Torrington Museum”.
Following an enquiry from Councillor Brenton regarding the Jubilee Fountain on Bideford Quay which had not been working for some considerable time, the Head of Paid Service reported there had been an issue with the filters and pumps which cannot be replaced like-for-like as the same issues would occur again. Members had voted against maintaining the fountain at the meeting to consider Project Initiation Documents last year.
This matter to be taken back to this year’s Capital Programme meeting for discussion, and a report to be prepared.
Contingency Reserves - £50k
The Strategic Manager (Resources) responded to an enquiry from Councillor Christie with regard to an email he had received in relation to the mooring posts for the houseboats at Bank End Bideford. The Property team had now received quotes for this work. Further information to be obtained by the Strategic Manager (Resources) who will update Councillor Christie.
Apprentices/Corporate Training - £48k
The Apprenticeship Scheme to continue.
Play Strategy - £11k and Bideford Work Hub - £35k
Grant funding rolling forward.
Councillor Christie reiterated his request that a list of all S106 monies still outstanding be circulated to all Members. The Head of Paid Service advised a list had been prepared and she would ensure that it only included those where the trigger point had been reached. She confirmed that where the trigger point had not been reached those monies cannot be used or released.
Play Strategy – Concerns were raised with regard to Consultancy fees. Members acknowledged the need for a Play Strategy and the decision made by Members at a previous meeting to appoint outside Consultants due to there not being the expertise in house to proceed. Following concerns raised at that meeting with regard to costs, the Planning and Economy Manager had obtained grant funding of £11k.
Councillor Bushby referred to the transfer of stock to the Housing Association and sought clarity on whether this included maintaining and replacing play equipment. The Head of Paid Service to review the original Agreement.
Digitisation of Cemetery records - £40k
Councillor Christie declared an interest
Councillor Christie raised the following points:
· To approach the Devon Family History Society who undertake this work
· ND Record Office had purchased a camera and are looking for an index system
· To contact the ND Crematorium who have a system – this is a Joint Committee
The Strategic Manager (Resources) stated that as no commitments had yet been made, these points would be looked at.
IT Equipment
No comments made.
Councillor Bright mentioned the decision made by Members to be carbon neutral, but no resource had been set aside for this. The Strategic Manager (Resources) advised that no detailed work had been done yet, but moving forward provision could be included in the Capital Programme.
The following matters were raised and discussed:
Bideford Work Hub – details were given and a suggestion made that the presentation given by the Economic Development Officer at a previous Full Council meeting be presented again at Full Council for new Councillors.
Relocation of Bideford Library – a letter has been sent to Devon County Council, to date no response had been received.
It was proposed by Councillor James, seconded by Councillor Lock and –
That allocating the resources to the various reserves as identified in the report be approved.
(Vote: For – Unanimous)
Supporting documents: