Committee details

Purpose of committee

The Council has appointed two Overview & Scrutiny Committees, an Internal Overview & Scrutiny Committee and an External Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


TheExternalOverview& ScrutinyCommitteewillexerciseitsfunctionsin respect oftheperformanceofpartnersandexternalPublicSectorbodiesandCouncil serviceswithan“outwardfacingemphasisontheareaofTorridgeandits inhabitants.


Members of the public will be able to attend the meeting in person if they are registered to speak under public participation.


Any members of the public who want to view the meeting will be able to watch through the Councils YouTube Channel



Public Speaking


If you wish to speak at any of our Committees please register by 2pm two working days before the meeting. To register to speak either email or call 01237 428703.



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email: